Process of authenticity

This is how we ensure that your products are 100% authentic: Sneakers | Bags | Clocks

At Southsoles, our top priority is to ensure that every product, from sneakers to watches and bags, is completely authentic. In a world where counterfeiting is common, it is crucial for us to have a carefully monitored process for both the production and authentication of our goods. We carry out a rigorous inspection of each product before it leaves our warehouse.

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Here's how we do it

UV light inspection
  • Many counterfeit products come from factories in Putian, China, which use similar methods to produce their goods. A characteristic detail of these copies are invisible stamps, which are often found on the sole or inside of the product. By illuminating the product with UV light, we can quickly determine whether it is made in these illegal facilities or whether it comes from authorized factories, such as Nike or Swatch.
Cooperation with experts
  • We are aware that it is not always possible to detect a counterfeit with UV light alone. In cases where we are unsure of authenticity, we turn to our international partners, who specialize in authentication. These experts have extensive experience and have reviewed thousands of products, making them highly skilled at detecting counterfeits.
Our experience
  • Before we started using UV light and consulting experts, we relied on our own experience and knowledge. With several years in the industry and handling tens of thousands of products, we have developed a deep understanding of what characterizes genuine goods. As passionate collectors, we have also scrutinized both our own and others' products to ensure their authenticity.

Here is our process to guarantee authenticity


Each sneaker is reviewed in three steps:

  1. Initial check : When we receive the sneakers, we carefully examine them to identify any signs of counterfeiting, including serial numbers and stamps.
  2. UV Light Inspection : The products are illuminated with UV light to detect hidden stamps that may indicate they are copies.
  3. Final inspection : Before we send the sneakers to you, they undergo a final check of materials, colors and design.

Clocks undergo a similar three-step process:

  1. First check : Each watch is carefully inspected upon receipt to identify signs of counterfeiting, such as serial numbers and stamps.
  2. UV Light Inspection : The watch is illuminated with UV light to reveal hidden markings that may indicate it is a replica.
  3. Final inspection : Before the watch is delivered to the customer, we carry out a thorough check of materials, weight and function.

Bags also go through our three-step process:

  1. Initial check : Upon receipt, we carefully examine the bag to identify signs of counterfeiting, including serial numbers and materials.
  2. UV Light Inspection : The bag is illuminated with UV light to detect hidden markings that may indicate it is a copy.
  3. Final inspection : Before we send the bag to you, we carry out a thorough check of materials, seams and details.